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contoh kalimat by the law

"by the law" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • By the law, they said I can be exempted.
    Secara hukum, mereka bilang aku bisadiberi pengecualian.
  • By the law of the land, she's no man's wife.
    Oleh hukum, dia bukan istri siapapun.
  • Raul, we are both wanted by the law, okay?
    Raul, kita berdua bisa jadi tersangka, oke?
  • It's not going to be won by the law.
    Ini tidak akan menang melawan hukum.
  • By the law of Sharia, I am not fighting.
    Menurut hukum Syariah, saya tidak melawan.
  • Our Protection Squad goes by the laws of our country
    Pasukan Pelindung kami menjalankan hukum negara kami.
  • The police who move by the law can't do this.
    Anu, polisi seharusnya tidak begini.
  • By the laws of Gotham City, is hereby declared sane.
    Berdasarkan hukum Kota Gotham, kau dinyatakan waras.
  • Commodore Norrington is bound by the law, as are we all.
    Komodor Norrington terikat hukum. Kita semua begitu.
  • All criminals should be punished by the Law.
    Semua kriminal harus dihukum oleh undang-undang.
  • If I withhold any truths, I will be punished by the law.
    Jika aku berbohong aku siap dihukum.
  • But what to do, we're bounded by the law.
    Tapi apa yang harus kami perbuat. kami menjalankan tugas.
  • We are here to live by the law.
    Kita ini hidup sesuai hukum.
  • Do you honestly believe they'll be punished by the Law?
    Sejujurnya kau percaya bahwa mereka akan dihukum oleh hukum?
  • It's governed by the laws of physics of the whole universe.
    diperintah oleh hukum fisika dari seluruh alam semesta.
  • Nowadays, we Bondurants abide by the law.
    Saat ini, kami, Bondurants, mematuhi hukum.
  • '..without getting caught by the law.'
    '.. Tanpa mendapatkan tertangkap oleh hukum. "
  • In criminal cases, you are presumed innocent by the law
    Dalam kasus kejahatan. Kau dianggap tidak bersalah oleh hukum.
  • But this one is governed by the law of the jungle.
    Tapi yang satu ini diatur oleh hukum rimba.
  • You know that school is ruled by the law of the jungle.
    Kau tahu bahwa sekolah diatur dengan hukum rimba.
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